M Theory

Biographical Info M Theory got a Micro Korg as a present on her 22nd birthday, and the rest is history. She’s been composing beats ever since. Born and raised in San Francisco, she grew up listening to West Coast hip hop and this sound is the foundation for what have now become more unique, genre-bending compositions. She has produced beats for local artists in the Bay Area until her latest project, Theory of the Dead, was formed. This band is no longer active and she is seeking vocalists to sing/rap on her instrumentals.

Genres Alternative/Indie Pop, Electronic/Indie Dance/Nu Disco, Hip-Hop/Rap, Pop, Soundtrack, Trap,


Producer Yes

Instruments 1. String Instruments, 2. Percussion Instruments, 4. Keyboard Instruments, 4.2. Synthesizer, 5.2. Harmonising

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